Every track comes out trumps to be fair, some more than others though! "Why'd You Lie" with it's Wise, possibly cynical, monologue is just a perfect LP opener and the greatness of "Don't Turn The Lights Off" cannot be ignored. Lamont Dozier is on top of his game here in 1975, and proof positive can be found on the third track - and my all-time favourite - "I Could Never Happen". I can't put into words how this track makes me feel. Needless to say that Dozier has worked wonders, as usual, but surpasses himself on every level. This tale of the tables being turned on a Playa is simply excellent and the clever twist is that the song is sung from the perspective of the wounded playa. The sheer emotion intertwined in this song is simply awesome. The strings and woodwind are a killer, and as the lyrics go "it doesn't take to fool with love, not a force that strong, the suffering, the glory n' all, think twice before you do wrong". Top of the class. Dozier is a MASTER. A popular track is "Good Lovin' Is Just A Dime Away", reminiscent of Dozier's work on the Barrino Brothers in the early part of the decade. "Sweet Rhapsody", "Fifty Years" and "Let Me Live In Your Life" are blinding - as are Ben E. King's later versions. I prey that Motown or Universal Japan release this album on CD as it sure is deserving. A few of these songs are available of various "Originals" Best Of compilations and these also contain some great songs from the 60s too.
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