As you will soon gather from the great tune below, "Do It To My Mind" is inescapably brilliant. This cool midtempo number is one that should already have won a place in your heart and it's great to own this on CD. This remains one of my favourites from the 1970s. Simply magic. "I Sure Like Groovin' With Ya" is also a fantastic track which should be appreciated at the same level. Play this loud. The strings, almost Barry White in orientation are simply superb on this two-step monster. I NEVER tire of tracks like these two. The rest of the album is on an equal footing, I assure you, although much more downtempo. The smooth, sax-drenched plodder "I Love Talking About Baby" borrows a lighter Barry White style, especially with regard to the strings and the gentle, yet sturdily pounding rhythm recounts an erotic liaison between Johnny and his Lady. Lucky whatsit! LOL. Young RnB artists please take note how subtle, poetic and erudite this is handled. Think you can match this? No, me neither. That aside, the superb "She Came Into My Life" is very fresh indeed, and could have been recorded at the turn on the 1980s. This is the best thing about timeless music - it ALWAYS sounds new, so the relevance of these tracks will never escape us.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
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