A mighty fine midtempo groove with strings, organ and a brilliant rhythm section will greet you on "Touch My Life" - a blinder of a track, and I think you will also be amazed at the brilliant version of 10 CC's "I'm Not In Love". A very strong version and although it cannot better the original, it certainly compliments it. Her version of "Ooh Child" is magnificent and paves the way for the AWESOME Philly stomper "Happy Bout The Whole Thing". This really is Philly, PA at it's swirling '70s best. Norman Harris, Don Renaldo and the Sweethearts at the top of their game. The brassy "Share My Love" really is prototype Disco - but much better - and the classy "The Best Thing You Did For Me" draws down the curtain on this wonderful 1975 album. It's a pity that apart from hunting down the LP on MusicStack that you can only get this as a Download. However, this is the future so...get used to it, folks! Quality Soul is quality soul, whatever format it's on.
Barry Towler
The Vibe Scribe
The Vibe Scribe